Monday, June 6, 2011

The Why of it all....

You may wonder why I have decided to blog about this experience (probably you are wondering what experience I am even talking about)?  In an attempt to reduce debt and live a more simple life I have quit my job, bought a burned down house, got a new job, not to mention that I have a husband three kids 6 and under, three dogs, two cats and a pet rat, oh, and I still have a morgage from the house that hasn't sold yet and student loan debt.  I'm not sure where the simplifications come in.  Yeah, it all seems a little crazy and I wanted to share it with the people most interested in delving into my psyche.  Good luck.


  1. Brandy, you are always good for a laugh. That's why I love you. You are also full of ambition and that's why this will work. Good luck!

  2. Hi Bran,

    It'll be fine inspite of those as yet to be revealed "OH SH__" moments. Then, it's Tool Time John to the rescue, right?


