Friday, June 10, 2011

The ball is in our court...

Being married is difficult, it is work and it is also mostly rewarding for me.  Like (I think) most couples John and I get into some disagreements.  Usually we are able to work through most things in an adult like manner with open and calm communication.  On the other hand we get into the nastiest fights over the simplest things like how to peel a potato.  I can literally feel my blood pressure rise when I see him go for the carrot peeler to peel a potato.  There is a reason it is called a "carrot peeler".  For this reason we will probably get a divorce over the mm width of the trim in the utility closet but as for the question of buying the house, we were in total agreement.  It really was our dream house.  That may sound a little strange considering the condition of the house but it had many of the things we wanted for our "ideal" house.  You remember the kitchen right? 

We have always thought that the kitchen needed to be the biggest room in the house, it is where everyone always congregates and this place had a huge kitchen, not to mention a lot of natural light. : )
The next step was to call the owners and see if they were willing to sell.  Again, I did just that.  I had a nice conversation with the Mrs. and she told me that they needed to think about it and see if they wanted to sell the place.  She has a lot of great memories from this house and is very emotionally tied to it, not to mention that they had invested a lot of time and money into the restoration themselves.  That may not be evident from these pictures because this house didn't just suffer from a collapsed roof, it had been in a major fire nearly a year before.  She said that we were also not the first to call on the place and that they needed to give the first opportunity to a previous inquiry.  Time to wait.

A couple of weeks pass and I call back.  The other people were not interested, too big a project.  Now some might think that this would be a warning flag, not me, bright red waving flags tend to signal that I should charge ahead!  The ball is in our court.

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